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Technical Specifications


  • Aspect & color: Brown liquid
  • Insoluble matter: Null
  • Density (g/mL): 1.17


  • Lead: < 5 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 0.5 mg/kg
  • Arsenic: < 3 mg/kg
  • Cadmium: < 0.5 mg/kg
  • Heavy metals: < 30 mg/kg


  • Standardization activity: 3300 PGNU/g
  • Stabilizers: Glycerol, KCl


  • Toxins and mycotoxins: Not detected
  • Total viable germs: < 5.104 UFC/g
  • Coliforms: < 30 UFC/g
  • E.coli / 25 g: Not detected
  • Salmonella / 25 g: Not detected

Features and Benefits

  • Formulation: Liquid preparation of pectolytic enzymes from Aspergillus aculeatus.
  • Enological benefits: Œnozym® Crush is a 100% extraction enzyme that improves the maceration and extraction of red and white grapes.
    • Œnozym® Crush enhances the release of important compounds present in grape skins, such as anthocyanins, tannins, and aromatic precursors.
    • Used directly on grapes, whether red or white, Œnozym® Crush significantly increases yield and contributes to clarification.

Product Applications

Dilute the necessary amount in 10 times its volume of water, add it and homogenize the tank.

Remarks: Use a clean, inert container. Do not mix with bentonite and avoid direct contact with sulphurous solutions. Use the product within 6 to 8 hours following its preparation.

Application rate: 1 to 4 mL / 100kg of grapes.

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