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Technical Specifications


  • Appearance & colour: Brown liquid
  • Concentration of gum arabic: 240 g/L
  • Density (g/mL): 1109 g/L
  • Ashes: < 1%


  • Iron: < 60 mg/kg
  • Lead: < 2 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 1 mg/kg
  • Cadmium: < 1 mg/kg
  • Starch and Dextrin: Absence


  • SO2 (E220): 1.5 g/L ± 0.25
  • pH: 3.4 – 3.6
  • Dry extract: < 25%
  • Purity: > 99.5%


  • E.coli: Absence/1 g
  • Salmonella: Absence/1 g

Features and Benefits

Formulation: Solution of gum arabic and Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast mannoproteins. Contains sulphites (E220).

Enological benefits: Subli’Sense® is produced using gum Arabic and mannoproteins from selected yeasts, to improve wines’ colloidal stability and organoleptic qualities:

  • Increases smoothness
  • Coats tannins
  • Improves softness and length on the palate

Subli’Sense® has little effect on the clogging index or CFLA (Lamothe-Abiet Filtration Criteria). The mannoproteins also help in tartrate stability.

Complies with the OIV’s Oenological Codex and EU regulation n°53/2011 (that modifies EC regulation n°606/2009).

Product Applications

Add while mixing during a pump over, prior to the final filtration, or inject using a dosing pump during bottling.

Recommended dosage:

  • Red wine: 10 to 30 cL/hL
  • White or rosé wines: 10 to 20 cL/hL

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