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Technical Specifications


  • Appearance & colour: Grey powder and black granulars


  • Chrome: < 10 mg/kg
  • Copper: < 35 mg/kg
  • Zinc: < 70 mg/kg
  • Lead: < 4 mg/kg
  • Iron: < 300 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 1 mg/kg
  • Arsenic: < 3 mg/kg
  • Cadmium: < 1 mg/kg


  • Loss on desiccation: < 12.8%
  • Discolouring charcoal content: 200 g/kg


  • Coliforms: < 102 UFC/g
  • Escherichia coli: Absence/g
  • Viable microorganisms: < 5.104 UFC/g
  • Salmonella: Absence/25 g
  • Yeasts: < 103 UFC/g
  • Mould: < 103 UFC/g

Features and Benefits

  • Formulation: Mix of pea proteins (Pisium sativum), Polyvinylpolypyrolidone (E1202), granulated activated charcoal, and calcium bentonite.
  • Enological benefits:
    • Pea protein and PVPP are both highly effective at removing certain phenolic compounds. When used with enological carbon, heavy oxidations are easily treated.
    • GreenFine® Intense decreases the color, bitterness, and off-flavors (moldy/green notes).
    • The composition of GreenFine® Intense helps to ensure good sedimentation and compaction of must solids and lees.

Product Applications

Dissolve in 10 times its weight of warm water, then add into the tank during a pump over in order to obtain perfect homogenization. GreenFine® Intense is a clarification agent for static treatment or flotation.


  • Preventive treatment: 15 to 30 g/hL
  • Curative treatment: up to 120 g/hL

Maximum dosage rate (OIV recommendation): 120 g/hL. Contains 20% of granulated activated charcoal. The use of oenological carbon is subject to specific regulations: refer to the applicable regulation. Additions of oenological carbon must be recorded in a register (REC 436/2009 art. 41 and 42). The regulation EC 606/2009 prohibits the use of charcoal on finished wine (red or rosé).

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