Cartridge End Fittings
Our filters come with a range of end fittings to suit different housings and applications. End caps are available with a variety of seal materials, including EPDM, Buna-N, Silicone, Viton and FEP Silicone.

Code 2 style incorporates 2 x 226 ‘O’ rings and bayonet, with a flat blanking cap at the the cartidge’s closed end.

Amazon code 3 filter end fittings
Code 3 utilises 2 x 222 ‘O’ rings at the open end and a flat blanking cap at the closed end. Common in industrial and pure water applications.

Amazon code 6 filter end fittings
Code 6 has 2 x 020 ‘O’ rings located on a spigot in the housing. The recessed closed cap at the other end allows the cartridge to be centralised in the housing.

Amazon code 7 filter end fittings
Code 7 uses 2 x 226 ‘O’ rings and a double bayonet, with a spear on the closed end. This is the standard configuration for many critical pharmaceutical and beverage processes.

Amazon code 8 filter end fittings
Code 8 has the same ‘O’ rings as Code 3, but with a spear (bomb-fin) at the closed end.

Amazon code 9 filter end fittings
Code 9 style has a single 213 internal ‘O’ ring, and the same recessed closed cap as Code 6.

Amazon code A filter end fittings
Code A has a double ‘O’ ring at the open end and a spear at the closed end. Typically used for critical applications.

Amazon code B filter end fittings
Code B uses a double ‘O’ ring at the open end and a flat blanking cap at the closed end. Common configuration for industrial applications.

Amazon code S filter end fittings
Code S combines 2 x 222 ‘O’ rings with a 3 lug bayonet, and has a spear at the closed end.

Amazon code E FFC filter end fittings
Code E – FFC Double O ring with closed lifting end lifting handle. (39″ length only, 740 alternative)

Amazon code F FFC filter end fittings
Code F – FFC Single O ring with closed end lifting handle. (40″ & 60″ only, HiFlow alternative)

Amazon code G FFC filter end fittings
Code G – FFC Single O Ring on extended spigot with closed end lifting handle.

Amazon code H FFC filter end fittings
Code H – FFC Single O ring with closed end lifting rod. (27 & 6601 Series only, Amazon code)

Amazon code P FFC filter end fittings
Code P – FFC Single O ring with closed end lifting handle. (66 Series multi housing only, Amazon code)

Amazon code C HFC filter end fittings
Code C – HFC Single O ring with closed end. (HFC only, HFU alternative)
Technical Specifications
Features and Benefits