Product Categories Yeasts
Resulting from a partnership research project with ISVV, Excellence® Celsius is a yeast selected for its capacity to reduce alcohol in wines, improving their balance.
This yeast is particularly efficient at achieving lower fermentation yields (alcohol/sugar). Selecting through Breeding enables Excellence® Celsius to have QTLs specifically related to the reduction of alcohol in wines. This means that its sugar consumption metabolism is directed towards products other than ethanol (glycerol, for example).
Excellence® Celsius improves wine freshness by producing L-malic acid during alcoholic fermentation, which has a direct effect on increasing total acidity and lowering pH. Thanks to its excellent fermentation capacity and its ability to develop quickly in the must, it enhances the expression of a harmonious ‘fresh fruit’ aromatic profile, combined with volume and tension on the palate.

LA Arom

Active Yeast 10

Active Yeast 3

Active Yeast 7

Active Yeast 8


Sihaferm Element

Sihaferm Finesse Red