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Technical Specifications


  • Appearance & colour: Very pale yellow liquid


  • Lead: < 2 mg/kg
  • Arsenic: < 3 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 1 mg/kg
  • Cadmium: < 1 mg/kg
  • Sodium: < 12.4%
  • Free Sodium Glycolate: < 0.4%
  • Sodium chloride: < 0.5%


  • pH: 3.8 ± 0.2
  • SO2 (E 220): 2.0 g/L ± 0.5
  • Citric acid: 4 g/L
  • Ashes (on dry extract): 5 à 10%

Features and Benefits

  • Formulation: Cellulose gum solution at 50 g/L (carboxymethylcellulose or CMC) – E466. Contains sulphites (E220).
  • Enological benefits:
    • Lamothe-Abiet has selected an effective, neutral-tasting, and easy-to-use cellulose gum specifically made for use in wine. The product is chosen based on its degree of substitution (DS) and degree of polymerization (DP), which affect its viscosity and solubility in water.
    • Vinoprotect® represents the best balance between these criteria, providing effective stabilization against the risk of potassium bitartrate precipitation in wine, particularly at varying pH levels and temperatures.
    • Main effect: Vinoprotect® acts as a “colloid protector,” inhibiting the nucleation of tartrate crystals and preventing the development and precipitation of tartrate microcrystals.

Product Applications

Vinoprotect® is in a liquid form (5% preparation) for easier use.

Use before final filtration: Add Vinoprotect® 24 hours before bottling on clarified and pre-filtered wine if necessary. Dissolve in wine and add it using a metering pump during a pumping over.

Use after final filtration: Add Vinoprotect® after the last filtration with a dosing pump.

For sparkling wines: Vinoprotect® is added at the tirage or disgorging.

Recommended dosage: 10 to 40 cL/hL depending on wine instability. Doses are provided as a guide. The optimal dose will be determined by a laboratory test or on the advice of your oenologist.

Maximum legal dosage: 40 cL/hL (20 g/hL).

General Precautions: Use Vinoprotect on wines previously stabilized against protein haze. Do not use on wine stabilized with Lysozyme.

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