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Technical Specifications


  • Appearance & color: Beige powder
  • Solubility: < 80 %


  • Total nitrogen (N): < 12 %
  • Ammonium nitrogen (N): < 0,5 %
  • Organic nitrogen (N): < 12 %
  • Amino acids (N): between 1,9 and 3,7%
  • Humidity: < 7 %


  • Lead: < 2 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 1 mg/kg
  • Arsenic: < 3 mg/kg
  • Cadmium: < 1 mg/kg


  • Revivable yeasts: ≤ 10^2 UFC/g
  • Mould: < 10^3 UFC/g
  • Lactic bacteria: < 10^3 UFC/g
  • Acetic bacteria: < 10^3 UFC/g
  • Salmonella: Absence/25g
  • Escherichia coli: Absence/1g
  • Staphylococci: Absence/1g
  • Coliforms: < 10^2 UFC/g

Features and Benefits

Formulation: Specific preparation of yeast autolyses.

Enological benefits:

  • Natur’Soft® contains autolysed yeast that can combine with anthocyanins, helping to stabilise the colour of red wines.
  • These compounds also interact with tannins, giving roundness and volume on the palate while attenuating green notes.
  • The dual effects of Natur’Soft® can significantly improve the organoleptic properties of red wines.

Product Applications

Add during alcoholic fermentation (EU regulation: only allowed on grapes and fermenting must). Dissolve Natur’Soft® in 5 times its weight in must. Incorporate at the beginning of alcoholic fermentation (AF) and homogenize with a pump over.

Dosage: 30 g/hL

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