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Technical Specifications


  • Appearance & colour: Light yellow powder


  • Iron: < 100 mg/kg
  • Arsenic: < 3 mg/kg
  • Lead: < 5 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 1 mg/kg


  • Ashes: < 2%
  • Total nitrogen: > 14%

Features and Benefits

Formulation: Acidified powder of fish-based fining agent.

Enological benefits:

  • Colle de Poisson L.A. is a very pure fining product that has not undergone hydrolysis. It is very effective but also gentle on the wine.
  • The protein structure of this isinglass provides exceptional shine and finesse to white and rosé wines.
  • Colle de Poisson L.A leads to the formation of light and voluminous lees, which sediment slowly. It is recommended to respect a minimum delay of 2 to 3 weeks before racking to limit the clogging effects.
  • Colle de Poisson L.A is prepared using citric acid, which makes it easier to dissolve in water before use.

Product Applications

Mix the quantity of the fining agent with a small amount of cold water until you obtain a homogeneous gel. Wait 1 to 2 hours before re-mixing and incorporate it progressively into the wine during a pump over to ensure immediate homogeneous distribution.


  • Application rate: Adapted to the clarification objective and refining of phenolic structure.
  • Combine with 2-5 cL/hL of Blankasit Super (silica gel) for optimal action.
  • Free-run wine: 0.5 to 2 g/hL
  • Press wine: 1.5 to 3 g/hL

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