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Technical Specifications


  • Appearance & colour: Brown Granulates


  • Lead: < 5 mg/kg
  • Mercury: < 1 mg/kg
  • Arsenic: < 3 mg/kg
  • Iron: < 50 mg/kg
  • Insoluble matter (water): < 2 %


  • Tannins / polysaccharides: 50 % / 50 %
  • Humidity: < 10 %
  • Ashes: < 4 %

Features and Benefits

Formulation: Preparation made with proanthocyanidic tannins and ellagic tannins bound with vegetal polysaccharides.

Enological benefits:

  • Has the effects of proanthocyanidic tannins without their astringency.
  • Participates in colour stability when used early (running off after alcoholic fermentation).
  • Improves the structure of all types of red wines (fruity or matured with oak).
  • Protects wines from premature oxidation.
  • Improves the precision and fruitiness of the wine.
  • Significantly decreases wines’ astringency (unlike classic tannins).

Product Applications

Instantaneously soluble. Dissolve in 10 times its weight of wine, then add into the tank during a pump over or during a transfer in order to obtain a perfect homogenisation.


  • Before MLF: Helps to stabilise colour or prepare wines for ageing (aging in barrels or Stick Œnobois®).
  • At the beginning of aging: Prevents oxidation and maintains fresh fruit and clarity; limits astringency in the case of low-structure wines.

Dosage: Red wines: 10 to 40 g/hL. The dosage of tannins depends on each type of wine and winemaking imperatives to be achieved. Take advice from your enologist in order to comply with the oenological codex (OIV).

Lamothe-Abiet provides single-dose samples (for one bottle) to simplify the calculation of the treatment.

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